culture-images - Bilder der Kunst und Kulturgeschichte    

Foreign teacher with his Japanese wife and Eurasian children with servants in their home, formally a temple (NRICP Relic No.: 2868)

Foreign teacher with his Japanese wife and Eurasian children with servants in their home, formally a temple (NRICP Relic No.: 2868) 

Photographs, Foreign teacher with his Japanese wife and Eurasian children with servants in their home, formally a temple (NRICP Relic No.: 2868), Percival Lowell, American, 1855–1916, 2003.693 Percival Lowell 1884. Highres 1-2 days. 

credit: culture-images/Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
author: 91300
image ID: ci01236701.jpg

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