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American 19th century statesmen -

American 19th century statesmen - 

American statesmen. Top row, left: Alexander Hamilton, 1st United States Secretary of the Treasury (painting by John Trumbull). Top row, centre: Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the United States (painting by John Vanderlyn). Top row, right: Henry Clay, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (engraving by John Chester Buttre). Centre row, left: John C. Calhoun, Vice President of the United States (engraving by Nordheim). Centre row, right: William L. Garrison, editor of the radical abolitionist newspaper 'The Liberator' (painting by William Swain). Bottom row, left: James Buchanan, 15th President of the United States (engraving by John Chester Buttre). Bottom row, centre: Daniel Webster, United States Secretary of State (engraving by Nordheim). Bottom row, right: Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States. 

credit: culture-images/Lebrecht
author: 90700
image ID: ci01277512.jpg

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